CEX.IO News Education

How to Secure Your CEX.IO Account

, February 28, 2019

At CEX.IO, ensuring the security of your funds is our top priority. We strive to organize all our procedures so you can be confident that your funds are completely safe.

1. Set a strong password

Your password is the main barrier for anyone to access your account. So it is essential to make it as strong as possible. Your password should be:

However, we would like to remind you that some aspects of your account security depend on you. We have prepared a list of measures you can take to ensure greater security of your CEX.IO account.

  • Long. The longer your password, the better. You are even welcome to use phrases and complete sentences.
  • Complex. A reliable password should include UPPERCASE and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Unique. Use a different password for every account and remember that it must be different from your login.

If your current password is not strong enough or is not unique, we strongly recommend that you change it as soon as possible.

2. Set up additional security measures

Creating a strong and unique password for your account is definitely the most helpful piece of advice. However, there are even more steps you should take if you want top security.

  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA). Requiring a 2FA code to log in will help keep your funds safe.
  • Change your password regularly. If you have not updated your password for a while, changing it right now is a good idea.  
  • Enable 2FA for your email. Enhanced email security will also help you protect your CEX.IO account.  
  • Never save your password in a browser. Using a password manager is safer.
  • Never share your login details. Always make sure that you are the only one who knows your login and password.
  • Do not keep your photos in your email box. If someone manages to hack your email, they will be able to use all the information you keep there.
  • Trust only reliable senders. Our support team communicates with you using only the support@cex.io email address or an email address ending with @cex.io.
  • Remember that our support team would not send you messages about someone trying to access your account. If you receive such a letter, make sure that your email is not hacked before taking any other action.

Taking these measures will help you keep your email and CEX.IO accounts more secure and prevent loss of funds.

To get more information about our official communication channels and advice on how to identify scammers, just click here.



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