
ChatGPT vs. CEX.IO: Can You Guess Who’s Who? (Part 2)

, March 15, 2023

In his 1962 book, “Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible,” science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke formulated his famous Three Laws. The Third Law has since become the most widely cited: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” 

Fast-forward to today, and Clarke’s words have all but become reality. At one point, digital gold and self-generating content machines seemed outlandish to those outside of tech-futurist circles. And yet, the current landscape is littered with such wonders. From the proliferation of cryptocurrencies, to the arrival of retail-focused artificial intelligence, a plethora of new technologies are continuously redefining the realm of what’s possible.

However, these innovations and the cultural ramifications they inspire don’t always make themselves readily apparent at their onset. Rather, like the introduction of bicycles or cars, each new technology requires an individual and/or societal learning curve to responsibly integrate these developments. In fact, de-mystifying a new product is often the first step toward understanding how it can situate within, and hopefully improve our daily lives.

In Part One of ChatGPT vs. CEX.IO, we looked at the industry’s latest technological craze through the lens of the prior hype cycle around social media. In an attempt to fast-track the luxury afforded by hindsight, we wanted to explore potential problems that could be lurking in the rush to adopt a new and novel solution. Namely: how easy is it to differentiate between human and AI-generated content?

To test the savviness of the CEX.IO community, we asked users to identify which of five responses to real life crypto queries were the product of human cognition. To our surprise and delight, the responses we received proved overwhelmingly adept at recognizing warm-blooded crypto knowledge. It would seem that, at least for the time being, ChatGPT et al remain a few paces behind the expectations of our well-informed community.

As promised, please find the answers to Part One’s questions below, and thank you to all those who participated in ChatGPT vs. CEX.IO. Keep an eye on our official channels for more coverage and musings on the latest technological innovations shaping the digital asset space.

Image source: CEX.IO

So, was this a product of the human mind or machine learning? 

The answer iiiiiiis….machine learning! If you guessed that this reply was generated by ChatGPT, you were correct. Great job! 

Image source: CEX.IO

Informative? Sure. Thorough? Undoubtedly. But is this reply human or AI? 

Drum roll, please: this answer was generated byyyyyy…our very own CEX.IO Research Team! We tried to make it just a bit trickier for you, but if you guessed human, you were right on the money. Shall we keep going?

Image source: CEX.IO

Hmm. Protocol, or person? 

The correct answer is….protocol! This answer came from a combination of 0s and 1s known as ChatGPT. Did you get this one right too?

Image source: CEX.IO

Football AND crypto? That’s a tough one.

If you guessed AI, you were, unfortunately, wrong. The reply above was graciously provided by a human member of the CEX.IO Research Team. And now, onto the finale!

Image source: CEX.IO

Sound reasoning and cost-benefit analysis. Is this something an AI can handle?

Actually, it is. The answer above was generated by ChatGPT. If you guessed correctly, congratulations! We saved the toughest question for last.

Arthur C. Clarke envisioned many future advancements, and thought long and hard about the ethical and responsible applications of any technology, magic or otherwise. For Clarke, it was in the best interests of humanity to apply each new breakthrough within a framework that pushed our aims forward. 

It was with this thinking in mind that we approached putting ChatGPT, and by extension, our community, to the test.

Thanks to all those who participated in this first of many explorations into the emerging world of AI-generated content. As we continue to grapple with these developments and what they mean for the crypto space, our ability to recognize the authentically human will remain a precious skill. With vigilance, upkeep, and clear-eyed honesty about the proper applications of these new intuitive technologies, we can learn to exist in greater harmony alongside our own creations.

Note: Exchange Plus is currently not available in the U.S. Check the list of supported jurisdictions here.

Disclaimer: Information provided by CEX.IO is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as financial, tax or legal advice. The risk of loss in trading or holding digital assets can be substantial. You should carefully consider whether interacting with, holding, or trading digital assets is suitable for you in light of the risk involved and your financial condition. You should take into consideration your level of experience and seek independent advice if necessary regarding your specific circumstances. CEX.IO is not engaged in the offer, sale, or trading of securities. Please refer to the Terms of Use for more details.



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