Announcing Trading Week contest on CEX.IO Broker

, March 7, 2021

How often do you trade? How good are you in trading?

Practice makes perfect. In trading, too. What if you could beef up your trading skill and get rewarded for that with hard cash? Interested? Participate in Trading Week!

Trade any pair, for 2 to 7 days in a row, and get a chance to win a USDT bonus for it. The more days you trade – the more chances to win. Moreover, for weekend trades there is an extra bonus;) The total prize cap is 750 USDT.

So, what is the purpose?

Have you ever wondered that all the things that you are good at are the results of practice? Every successful business person started somewhere. And then failed and continued failing until he finally got it right.

No need to look far: you are now where you are because you did something consistently. In any craft, there is no substitute for practice! With practice, you take your skills to the next level.

So that’s what our next contest is for: trade regularly, improve AND win prizes while you are at it! Try your best in making operations during the next 7 days! 


How to participate and win?

Contest start date: 8 March 2021 at 9pm UTC time
Contest end date: 15 March 2021 at 9pm UTC time

Participation requirements:

1️⃣ Trade on the platform several days in a row! Your trading streak can be 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 days. More days in a row you trade – more chances to win a bigger prize.

2️⃣ Trade on the weekends to get an additional prize.

3️⃣ Submit your participation via Intercom chat on the website!*

*Send us a message with your user ID (that starts with up) and a “TradingWeek” code in the intercom chat. You’ll find the chat on any page of CEX.IO Broker website. 

It is crucial: code-message = your participation.

Ready to commit yourself to disciplined trading? Send us your ID and “TradingWeek” and you are in! We’ll track how many days in a row you traded during the contest.
Important note:
– A day of active trading means a day when you opened and/or closed positions.
– Any pairs count.

How do we choose the winners?


The more days in a row you trade, the higher your winning chances and higher the prizes. 

At the end of the Trading Week, we’ll raffle prizes at 4 groups of participants. Bonuses will be chosen at random, given the duration of your trading streaks. Each trading streak adds you to a group of candidates for prizes. When you advance to the next group, you ALSO stay in the previous.  


💸 1st group – the participants who traded  2 or 3 days in a row. 20 random winners will get 10 USDT each.

💸 2nd group  – traders with 4 or 5 days in a row. 3 random winners will get 50 USDT each.

💸 3rd group – the marathoners who have been consistently trading with 6 or 7 days in a row. 3 random winners will get 100 USDT each.

Extra bonus: if you are a weekend warrior, and trade both Sunday and Saturday, you’ll also have a chance to win! Five random weekend warriors will win 20 USDT each.  

The more days you are in – the more chances to win! What’s more, the prizes for each of the groups add up! A lucky one can win up to 170 USDT by getting on all groups and trading on the weekend! We’ll randomly select winners and announce them in the CEX.IO Broker Telegram channel within 3 days after the contest end date.

🏆 The prizes will be sent to your CEX.IO Broker account within 3 business days after the announcement.

Let the Trading Week full of work and practice begin! Have you already set yourself a goal? You know what to do now. 😉




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