Back to school 📚. CEX.IO Learn & Earn. Free TON edition is on!

, August 16, 2021

The school season is close which means that all students are getting ready for the new academic year.

So are we!

After the first two stages of CEX.IO Learn & Earn Free TON Edition, we are finally ready to present our quizzes. As we mentioned in previous posts, it takes a lot of time and effort to put together the LEFT program. Now, everything’s ready. And here we are. 
Together with the Free TON and CEX.IO community, we’ve hit the books, made questions, and went through the validation process. We’ve been carefully selecting and validating all questions so they are useful for the community.

And of course, the best students have already received their rewards 💎.

🤓 Now it’s time to test your knowledge and get even more 💎!

What’s the deal?

We’ve put together all the questions that passed validation into 2 packs. 

Follow the links to pass the quizzes. Good luck!

First pack: HERE

Second pack:  HERE

Each quiz has 20+ questions about Free TON and CEX.IO. Answer the questions, earn scores and see how much you win. 

You can pass each quiz only once 😱. 

We’ll be accepting answers for a week: from August 16 to August 22, 2021.

Your score at the end of the quiz equals your potential rewards in TON 💎.

For example, if you earned 10 points — you can receive 10 TON. 

If you answer all questions correctly, you can potentially get 12 TON. 

To get your LEFT rewards, you need to meet 2 requirements:

  1. Solve the quiz
  2. Have a verified CEX.IO account. 

👍Wait for 14 business days and get your TON Crystal in your CEX.IO account (if you fulfill BOTH (1 and 2) requirements BEFORE prize pool runs out).

If either 1 or 2 take place after the prize pool is exhausted, you missed it, even if you answered the quiz.


The total prize pool is 10,000 TON 💎.

We’ll be awarding the customers who meet BOTH requirements on a first-come-first-serve basis until the prize pool runs out

Oh, if you were among the creators or validators of certain questions, your answers to these questions will not count into the total score for solving the quiz.

Terms and conditions

💎 The CEX.IO Learn & Earn Free TON quiz is running from August 16 to August 22, 2021, 23:59:59 UTC.*

💎 You can complete each quiz only ONCE. 

💎 To qualify for the reward, you need to solve the quiz and have a verified CEX.IO account.

We’ll be distributing rewards to the participants who have fulfilled BOTH requirements on a first-come-first-serve basis and until the prize pool runs out. This means if you fulfill one of the requirements after the 10,000 TON prize pool runs out — you missed it.

💎 We don’t oblige to give the exact date then the prize pool runs out. The quiz will be open for a week. After, we’ll close it, analyze the results and distribute the rewards to the eligible participants on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Successful customers will receive their TON rewards to their CEX.IO accounts within 14 business days after the end of this promo.

📌 Who can participate

💎 We are launching this Learn & Earn quiz to the residents of the countries where CEX.IO operates with the exemptions of: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand. (See the list of countries where CEX.IO does not operate here.)

💎 Also, this promo is unavailable for the countries where TON Crystal is restricted (Canada, the United States of America).

See the unsupported countries here

If your country is ineligible to participate in this promo activity, stay tuned for the next one! We work hard on expanding the list of countries-participants.



💎CEX.IO may disqualify participants that are deemed to be illegally bulk registered and/or verified accounts. CEX.IO may disqualify participants without explaining the reasons.

💎CEX.IO reserves the right to choose markets and jurisdictions to launch special offers/activities/services, and may restrict their availability in certain countries or regions.

*The dates and terms & conditions of this promotion may change at CEX.IO’s discretion.


Participation in this promo is free, you don’t need to pay a dime. Just fulfill the requirements — solve the quiz and get verified (if you are not yet) — and wait for the winners’ announcement. 

Ready to show your knowledge of Free TON and CEX.IO? Your time to shine! 


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