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Crypto Ecosystem Update #30 (September 7, 2022)
Read about which direction Bitcoin could ultimately break, as well as updates about Ethereum, Cardano, Terra Classic, and USD Coin
CEX.IO August 2022 Media Report
Read up on the emotional cycle of surviving a crypto winter, breakthroughs in the smart contract space, and the human benefits of digital currency.
CEX.IO Ecosystem Updates: August 2022
Learn more about new CEX.IO features, new listings, ongoing promotions, and our recent achievements for the month of August.
Crypto Ecosystem Update #29 (September 2, 2022)
Our Crypto Ecosystem Update #29 is live! Click the link to read about potential Bitcoin scenarios that could play out in the short-to-mid term.
CEX.IO Spotlight: Polkadot (DOT)
Polkadot has been called one of the most innovative blockchains to date. In our latest spotlight piece, we break down what makes Polkadot stand out from the competition.
The Federal Funds Rate and Crypto
The Federal Funds Rate has proven to have an observable macro effect on the market every time it is adjusted. Find out why traders follow the Fed rate in our latest article!
Crypto Ecosystem Update #28 (August 25, 2022)
Read about the recent Bitcoin crash along with alternative scenarios about where Bitcoin could be headed.
CEX.IO Spotlight: Optimism (OP)
This week’s CEX.IO Spotlight covers the L2 chain, Optimism. Learn about the project and its native token in our latest Spotlight.
3 Key Events in the DeFi Ecosystem That Continue to Unfold in 2022
We triangulated the top three events that contributed to the DeFi ecosystem’s shakeup. Find out about Q2’s defining moments and what may lie ahead.
Bitcoin by the Numbers for The First Half of 2022
We have just completed an article that dives into the details regarding Bitcoin’s performance for the first half of 2022. Enjoy!