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CEX.IO Spotlight: PancakeSwap (CAKE)
Check out CEX.IO’s Spotlight piece outlining PancakeSwap and its native token CAKE and find out how they have all but turned the crypto industry upside down!
Crypto Ecosystem Update #27 (August 17, 2022)
Read about Bitcoin’s recent price action and on-chain activity, as well as the latest news and developments shaping the crypto ecosystem
DeFi Detective: Progress Through 2022
The DeFi industry has unlimited potential, but it has felt the pressure of the bear market alongside crypto as a whole. In this article, we dive into the current state of DeFi.
Learning to Go with the Flow: Liquid Staking and the Potential for Asset Mobility
We put this post together to help recap how staking works, what sets liquid staking apart, and what to watch out for as network participants.
The State of Bitcoin (BTC) Mining in 2022
Bitcoin miners continue to face challenges amongst the continued selling pressure in the industry. Have miners seen the worst of it, or are more troubles on the way?
The Ethereum Block Space War
If the Ethereum network wants to grow, it must solve its scaling issues or relinquish even more control to Layer 2 solutions. Our latest article dives into this conflict.
Crypto Ecosystem Update #26 (August 10, 2022)
Crypto Ecosystem Update #26 is live! Read a price analysis for Bitcoin and Ethereum for the week of August 8.
What’s Up With Terra and Where is it Now?
Terra Luna upset the crypto market like no other event before. You may know the “when” but not the “how” or “why.” Our latest article answers these questions
What is HODL Strategy and Should It Be Followed?
Read through our most recent article to learn the meaning behind the meme, and how HODL became not only a part of crypto culture, but a philosophy to which spectators abide.
CEX.IO Partners with to Improve Global Payment Processing
We’re thrilled to announce CEX.IO has partnered with to take payment processing to the next level. Learn more in this blog post, or head over to CEX.IO to experience the partnership in action.